Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Turkey

Thanksgiving is coming real soon!
I am home in four days!!
I am thankful for many things...
Top on the list are,
Basking the in the sunshine 
Breathing fresh air
Young healthy joints
A normal growth rate
An appropriate sized house
Healthy food
These are all simple pleasures that everyone and everything on this earth should enjoy, it is real sad to me that many animals do not get the pleasure of breathing fresh air until the day they are being sent to the slaughter house. 

Turkey's are very intelligent birds, they love having their feathers stroked and like to chirp, cluck, and gobble along to their favorite songs.  They each have their own individual personalities and are very much aware of their surroundings. 

Another truth about turkeys is many of them are treated poorly their whole lives. Thrown around in small wire cages, hung upside down by their weak and often broken legs, their throats are slit while they are still conscious, and many turkeys are awake and alert when they are dragged through the scalding hot water of the defeathering tanks.  They are denied everything that is natural and important to them and often their bodies are mutilated.Turkeys are not protected by any federal animal welfare laws. 

Give turkeys a reason to be thankful and become a vegetarian!

Not only is vegetarian a morally good thing to do, it is cool, and it helps to save animals lives.  It is healthier too. Vegetarians are less likely to become obese then meat eaters. So you can kiss heart disease and diabetes goodbye.


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