Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Alone

Kissing is a strange thing, the act itself never varies, but each kiss comes with a meaning all its own. It can convey eternal devotion, enormous regret, it can symbolize a growing passion or even a growing concern. But whatever the meaning each kiss reflects a basic human need, the need to connect to another human being. Some might say that this desire is so strong it is amazing when some people do not understand it. 

I think that maybe i do not understand human connections.
It is hard for me to remember the last time if ever i truly selflessly cared about something or maybe someone.
I think this may be a big reason why i love animals so much.

maybe my conscious is filled with lots of empty space.

{pictures thanks to ffffound}

1 comment:

alicia said...

you dont have to go look it up.. i looked at your blog today. hehe

i like this post though.. cutie pictures and very true words.