After thinking tonight, i came up with the idea to stop purchasing non-essential things for a few weeks or maybe months.
Okay, i know this seems dramatic,
but think of the great experiences i could have instead of going to the mall all day or shopping online all night.
I would maybe have time to do all the things that i currently think i do not have time to do...
things like reading good reads, going on hikes, doing my homework, going to museums, learning to photograph better, spending more time in the library, going on runs, spending time at the beach.
Also not shopping could help me appreciate what i already have.
And heighten my creative side.
I might even discover things in my closet that have been tucked away un-used.
And probably even never worn.
The only problem with this idea is, if i tell myself i can not shop. I will want to shop real bad, just because i cant.
This is where my super human will-power will come into play. (not really a little weak)
We shall see where this idea goes.