Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I have something to tell you..

I have email pen pals
I keep my cell phone nearby whenever im reading in case i dont know a words meaning
I daydream about WOW
I would spend money on clothing over anything, anyday
My favorite boys are the ones who can pull off long hair
I am paranoid about things touching my face
I constantly have thoughts and opinions running through my head, but putting them to words is one of the hardest things.
I always let my mind beat my body and heart
Of all the minds, the one i admire most is Churchill
I make the strangest noises and actions with my hands when im nervous or anxious
Sleeping people creep me out
I am scared of someone poking my feet with a needle in my sleep, so i cover my feet at all times.
I really really like byuh
I use extra strength deodorant
I have a HUGE stash of letters and emails written but never sent
I would chose bella over anyone
I can remember only one day in my life being completely happy, since then i can only remember feeling at least completely content
I procrastinate everything
I hate wearing underwear or bras, so i dont as often as possible
I have a crush on someone
Clowns are my biggest fear
Coffee always makes me physically feel better
I always wonder what the people in the elevator with me are thinking, and i usually make up scenarios.
I have a constant fear that everything could suddenly fall apart
I dont hate people i just like my thoughts better when im alone

HOKAY! So many secrets for one night

1 comment:

Anna Diederich said...

you know, i find it rather creepy how many of these secrets had me thinking 'me too!'