Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Creep

I come home in less then two weeks!

Amy came up with a brilliant alternate use for the Haleiwa Eats candles. Maybe you can figure it out...

I love empty bus rides. MaggieEliza. Amy. and. Me. are perfect. nobody else really needs to be around. The top half of my outfit today was similar to a watermelon. Not on purpose but low cut green shirt and bright pink bra equals watermelon human. We came to realize it is very hard to take photos on the bus, especially with the bus driver we have been getting lately. He cruises. We get to places in nearly half the time with him. okay maybe thats an exaggeration. But he is almost close to the real Speed Racer. 


My creepy dark path friend found us on the bus. I try very hard to not look at him whenever i see him to avoid any possible awkward conversation. I even went out of my way today to turn my back to him and put both of my headphones in. But he managed to get my attention from all the way across the bus. "Why do you completely avoid me now?" so i laughed at his awkwardness and said. "Because that text you sent me was ridiculous and creepy." then he asked what text, but i did not waste my time telling him because i knew he knew exactly what i was talking about. so i put my headphones in and turned away again. He got off before our stop and said goodbye to me, i was polite and gave him a quick sayonara. Creepy men flock to hawaii. thank god for the offender locator app on my iphone. Too bad i never take iphone out of my room. 

I love Matt&Kim this week. They are such a cute girlboy band.

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